The family at Lipton's Seat, where you can get a great view of the surrounding hills and tea plantations.
The clouds roll in, fulfilling one of Brenton's ambitions for the trip; to touch a cloud. Jaymon caught his own cloud, named it Jimmy and kept it in his pocket.
These rollercoasters have the most amazing views.
Bambarakanda Falls - the highest in Sri Lanka (240m)
To Mrs McQuade:
Hello Mrs McQuade!
I haven’t seen you in a while, so it was wonderful to discover that you and your family have a blog!
How are you? Sri Lanka sounds like an amazing place. It must be lots of fun. But from what I have seen of your family’s blogs, you are all doing great work with the people there too. In one of the blogs, something about basic community development was mentioned – so what would your average day include now? What’s the weather like? What sort of traditional food is served over there?
At school, things are pretty much the same. Only your maths students are in year 10 now! This generally means that we get less freddo frogs and more homework. =( But it’s still good fun. In particular, we are looking at community service and development in Bible. Also, we are old enough to attend the school ball this year; which is happening in a few weeks time on September the 11th! (The only problem is that I have had to learn how to walk in heels)
Anyway, it’s great to know that you are enjoying your time of service in Sri Lanka. May God bless you and your family!
Jessica Barrett
Grace Christian School, Australia
Hello Mrs Mcquade, Mr Mcquade, Brenton and Jaymon,
Looks like you are having a great time and I hope that the mission work will get even better. From this blog it looks like Sri-Lanka is a great place and that you guys enjoy all you can of it.
the Church has kept you in your prayers and that you continue to make an impact on the communities you go through for God. Say hello to the people who have just came to Sri-Lanka and that with more help you will have an even greater time and even greater impact.
Good to see you getting along so well and we are keeping you in our prayers.
Cameron Sloan
Hey Mrs McQuade, Mr McQuade, Jaymon and Brenton!
It has been a while. It is fantastic being able to read your blogs. It sounds like you are doing some amazing things over there! And it sounds like you are enjoying yourself as well.
That is so cute, Jaymon keeping his own piece of cloud. Aww. Jimmy. Cute. =)
Yes, hard to believe, but we are in year 10! And like Jess said, less freddo frogs and so much more homework =( haha. We used to think we were so hard done by with the homework that you gave us for math, but compared to what we are getting now, haha, it just makes me laugh =D.
Some amazing pictures. Are you enjoying it over there? I would love to come over and visit you on a mission trip. That would be so awesome.
Oh, and you know how we had that talk about me becoming prefect and everything, well, I am now a prefect. Its not to bad. I am actually enjoying it =D. We have to organise the school ball. Its quite fun. The theme is a masked ball so we all have to wear masks. That should be interesting haha.
I really miss you and I am sure everyone else does as well. (And all those freddo frogs haha =D) I really pity those year 8's who never had you as a math teacher. You were awesome. Still are. Are you teaching over in Sri Lanka?
Keeping you in our prayers, God bless you all.
Rachel Forsyth
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