English classes were the order of the day. These children are actually fortunate enough that somebody pays for them to have an English tutorial once a week. However, the English that is taught here is often very unnatural and the children lack confidence to use it. This day was about allowing the children to develop their proficiency and confidence with the English language. I think their favourite were the games, or more precisely, the toffees that they won. It would come as no surprise to any of my ex-LOTE students out there what game we played - Bingo!
Still, it's hard to resist a little fun outside the class room as well. There is a great park nearby, so we took the children for a play after lunch. (Sorry, we got so many lovely photos from the park it got too difficult to just pick one!)
Even the loveliest of days must come to an end and it was eventually time for them to pile back in the van for an hour's drive home. We have set a date to do this again, but for now that would have to be enough for 12 happy children, 6 weary adults . . . and even 3 dogs.
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