Wednesday, July 16, 2008


As there is a war on here, it is common to see soldiers on the side of the road. These "army guys" got a particularly cushy number out the front of McDonalds and some kind soul bought them icecream. Speaking to them you could tell they wanted their photo taken but they were also nervous in case their commander caught them. I think Jaymon and Brenton will return home and wonder why there are no men with guns standing out the front of Big W.

One of our adopted dogs, Puppy. We did have two but, as Prince is sometimes kind to his own detriment, he gave Puppy's sister away - even though he said he would not even sell her at one stage.

Jaymon always manages to find a way!!!

It did take a few face plants but B has managed to master the rolling drum. Jay, however, has not but at least he has learned that jumping off something that rotates is not a good idea.

No, he isn't upside down; he just has bad hair!!

Big grins here as the boys have started the motorbike and are revving it furiously.

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