Saturday, March 15, 2008


Today I am excited to share an incredible discovery with you. We have managed to unearth an unpublished work that Dr. Seuss penned during a little known stay in Sri Lanka. It goes under the working title of "I LIKE TO RIDE A BIKE".

Oh, how I like to ride a bike,
To ride a bike is what I like.
I can ride while traffic rushes,
I can ride with pans and brushes.
I can ride with broom and mop,
I can ride with tabletop.
And to prove that I am not a klutz,
I can ride with coconuts.
I can ride uphill and down,
I can ride all over town.
And, watching carefully for cars,
I'll ride with child on handlebars.
I can dink another feller,
I can ride with an umbrella.
Yes, I can ride in pouring rain,
To ride in rain is not a strain.
To ride in rain I do not dread,
I'll ride with plastic bag on head.
Yes, how I love to ride a bike,
To ride a bike is what I like.

Okay, all right, I confess. It's not really the work of Dr. Seuss (could you tell?). Still, I reckon if he came here, that's what he'd write. Ever seen someone riding a bike laden with the entire contents of a corner store? Amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving a comment for points :-) I'd do the shopping thingo but Mic is the one who does most of the grocery shopping so I don't get the chance to find prices so much. I liked the "Dr Seuss" poem.Cha