Friday, May 9, 2008


It seems that I have a bit of a reputation for being fond of numbers, so I thought that I might as well play to that reputation by preparing the following information for you:


The cost of a carrot bought from a supermarket chain: About 13 rupees (or 13 cents)
The average length of a carrot: About 10cm
The most people spotted in a Liteace van (technically an eight-seater): 22 kids plus 2 adults plus a driver
How much more you will pay for bottled drinking water in Australia than in Sri Lanka: about 12 times more
How many geckos I counted in my study last night: 2 (it was a quiet night for geckos)
The number of mangoes in my kitchen: 5
The speed limit in built up areas: 56km/hr
The speed limit on the open road: 72km/hr
The number of snakes I have seen since our arrival (not at our house though!): 4 (thankfully 2 were dead and a third was dead shortly after we saw it)
The number of letters in the Sinhala alphabet: 58 (16 vowels and 42 consonants)
The number I can count to in Sinhala: 1000
The number of students in Brenton's class: 13 (plus 2 teachers)
The number of students in Jaymon's class: 11 (plus 2 teachers)
The rate at which vehicles drive along the main road at the back of our house between 6am and 6pm: On average, 29 vehicles per minute (vehicles includes cars, trucks, buses, motorbikes, three-wheelers, tractors, vans and bicycles)
The rate at which vehicles drive along the main road at the back of our house around midnight: On average, 3 vehicles per minute
The number of emails we have sent since we arrived in Sri Lanka: 473
The number of photos we have taken since we arrived in Sri Lanka: 691

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