We had to re-wrap his presents before he got home as they had been unwrapped at the airport in Malaysia before we boarded. Those guys scrutinised everything and your efforts were in vain, Mum & Miwa, because they didn't just neatly open the packaging but tore it open like it was their present. Anyway, when the kids got home from school there was just enough time for him to tear them open again (he made less mess than the airport staff!) and then we were off to pick up a school friend and begin the almost-hour-long drive to McDonalds.
It was a pretty routine McDonalds party. The kids played balloons or played in the play area. They played musical chairs, 'pick-up-the-straws' (straws are thrown around the room and the kid who picks up the most wins) and treasure hunt (a sticker is hidden in the room and the kid who finds it is the winner). And, of course, there was food, cake, presents and party bags. Pretty much what you might expect for a McDonalds party anywhere, except this one came complete with two young children standing outside the window, watching proceedings with great curiousity. Of course we couldn't resist but to give them some cake and a lolly bag too.
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