Friday, January 30, 2009


We only had a week back in Sri Lanka before Brenton's birthday was upon us. Eight years old already - amazing! We allowed him to decide what he would like to do for his birthday and he chose to have a party at McDonalds after school.

We had to re-wrap his presents before he got home as they had been unwrapped at the airport in Malaysia before we boarded. Those guys scrutinised everything and your efforts were in vain, Mum & Miwa, because they didn't just neatly open the packaging but tore it open like it was their present. Anyway, when the kids got home from school there was just enough time for him to tear them open again (he made less mess than the airport staff!) and then we were off to pick up a school friend and begin the almost-hour-long drive to McDonalds.

It was a pretty routine McDonalds party. The kids played balloons or played in the play area. They played musical chairs, 'pick-up-the-straws' (straws are thrown around the room and the kid who picks up the most wins) and treasure hunt (a sticker is hidden in the room and the kid who finds it is the winner). And, of course, there was food, cake, presents and party bags. Pretty much what you might expect for a McDonalds party anywhere, except this one came complete with two young children standing outside the window, watching proceedings with great curiousity. Of course we couldn't resist but to give them some cake and a lolly bag too.

Monday, January 26, 2009


So, those in the know will be aware that we were back in Australia for the month of December. We were there for so many reasons, including catching up with family and friends (as well as healthcare and taxes!). So, before we move on to the year ahead, I would love to take a moment to catch you up on the month that was.

One of the great joys of being home in December was being able to spend Christmas with our loved ones.

Our trip reunited us with family.

The kids got to spend time with their friends . . .

. . . and we got to spend time with ours too.

Our stopover in Malaysia on the way back to Sri Lanka became a holiday to celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary. We spent four days in Kuala Lumpur. While there we spent a day visiting the zoo.

We explored Chinatown, enjoying the cuisine and grappling with chopsticks.
This is the place where we enjoyed a 'fish spa'. You sit on the edge, place your feet in the tank and hundreds of fish come and nibble the dead skin off your feet and in between your toes (weird fish!). It's a peculiar sensation. The boys couldn't sit still long enough so they had a hand spa instead, although they seemed to enjoy it more like a petting zoo.
We visited Lake Titiwangsa Gardens which, although it is no longer home to the giant 'Eye on Malaysia' ferris wheel, is home to an extensive children's playground and exercise park.
We had dinner at the revolving restaurant in the KL Tower one night. Although it is not the tallest building in KL, it is the highest view of the city that is open to the general public. Without fear, Jaymon was, in an instant, laying on the glass to try and gain a full appreciation of the city below him!
We also spent a day at Sunway Lagoon. We hope that you will not be disappointed that we can't share any pictures with you but our main objective there was fun and not photos. The place was awesome and we had heaps of fun on the rides and in the water park.
Kuala Lumpur was a fantastic place to visit - quite a change from both Sri Lanka and Australia. We mastered the public transport with pride, using it to ferry ourselves to and from the many sights. The shopping opportunities were astounding. How much shopping could possibly be done in one city?!! From malls that would easily be 20 storeys high to malls dedicated entirely to technology; from malls with their own theme parks to malls with their own ice-skating rink (it was like dinner and a show!) and bowling alley. There was so much to see and do and we clearly only scratched the surface - and that was only Kuala Lumpur! Here's hoping we get back some day.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


This week marks the one year mark of our stay in Sri Lanka. Last year was such a whirlwind of activity that it just flew by. It was really good to have a break back in Australia over Christmas and catch up with our family and friends.
As we look ahead we are hoping to really consolidate and build on our achievements from last year. We are looking to increase the number of English classes we are involved in. We are hoping to increase the size of our current classes and start three new ones by the end of next year.
The small business loans are only going to continue to grow and managing them will give us plenty to do. We will incoperate the visits to these with our new mobile resource library which will be great. We are really looking forward to what this year holds.