We are surrounded by houses on all sides except for a small plot of land in front of our house, which our long stretch of driveway runs through. This means that from my balcony I can see into five different yards; including the second balcony makes it six. Yes, I suppose this does kind of make me sound like a bit of a peeping Tom, but I don't actually sit out here spying on everyone! (What do you take me for?). The two we can see into best are to the left and the right. The property to the right belongs to another two-storey house. It has a massive back yard, presided over by a dobermann. In the centre is a cage that, I'm pretty sure, is used for housing dogs but, thankfully, he never seems to be in it. The yard is grassed and has numerous trees.
The yard I like best, though, is to the left and seems to belong to two single-storey houses. It is small and has no grass, just a dirt floor. A couple of lean-tos lean (as a lean-to would tend to do) against our adjoining wall and an outhouse sits in the corner. In the centre of the yard is a pile of wood - for fires I suppose. This yard has fewer trees - a jackfruit, a couple of banana trees and a palm. Numerous cats spend their days in this yard - full grown cats and various sizes of playful kittens. Sometimes they sit non-chalantly as the crows eat out of their bowls, or make themselves at home atop the wood pile. Other days they are more active and will climb trees or prowl along the garden walls. I enjoy watching the wide-eyed kittens pounce and frisk.
The sounds around fill the sky with a lullaby. The leaves around whisper to each other as the trees rock gently in the slow breeze. The incessant call of the crows is neither loud nor obnoxious, but slightly lulling and every now and again you will hear the wing-beat of a passing bird. In the distance a rooster crows. Behind it all the hum of traffic and the beeping of horns can be