Considering that Lovely the Egret only managed to survive 10 days with us and our turtles escaped, Darren has been hesitant to give the chipmunk a name. I call him Theodore, but I also like what the Sri Lankans call chipmunks - Tinting (from the sound they make). Whatever we call him, there is no denying that he is unbelievably cute! He is incredibly affectionate. He sleeps a lot but when he is awake he loves human company. He loves to crawl all over you and look for places to burrow and snuggle. Now that he's getting more confident and more capable he loves to go exploring, especially if he can climb or burrow. He likes to bask on the laptop (it generates a fair amount of heat) but he gets jealous of my mouse and tries to attack the scroll wheel on it.
So, as you can probably tell, even in the space of a couple of days we have all become particularly fond of Theodore/Tinting/technically unnamed Chipmunk. We know that eventually he'll probably find himself a proper home in the wild, so we keep reminding ourselves, but until then I guess the McQuades Halfway Home for Sri Lankan Wildlife remains in operation.